Since 2023
Hidalgo, Mexico

SEIINAC (Servicios de Inclusión Integral y Derechos Humanos A.C.) is a civil society organization dedicated to promoting and defending sexual and reproductive rights, as well as broader human rights, particularly for women, adolescents, and marginalized communities. Founded in 2013, SEIINAC has been involved in various initiatives to advance gender equality and ensure access to safe, legal abortion services. The organization has been instrumental in supporting the decriminalization of abortion in Hidalgo and collaborates with other rights-based groups, such as Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, to provide education, advocacy, and training on reproductive health and rights.
Project Overview
SEIINAC is partnering with Minga primarily on a project titled “Uniting Voices for Autonomy: Access to Safe Abortion in the Huasteca Hidalguense” which aims to improve access to safe, legal abortion services in the rural and predominantly indigenous region of Huasteca Hidalguense, Hidalgo, Mexico. They seek to address the low access to safe abortion services in this region, which has historically seen high rates of adolescent pregnancies and limited reproductive healthcare. In addition to support for women seeking abortion, key project components include capacity building for healthcare providers, community education, and developing monitoring tools.